Faculty Information & Contacts
An overview of our Faculty Directors at Harris City Academy Crystal Palace. These are your first point of contact for any questions or concerns relating to your son/daughter. Where you see ‘responsible for’ and two letters, this refers to the tutor group allocated to this staff member across Years 7-11.
Senior Vice Principal/ Quality of Education and Outcomes - Ms Price
Faculty Overview/ Sixth Form
Vice Principal /Curriculum and Assessment - Mr Biddiscombe
Faculty Overview/ Communications and Maths and Commerce
Vice Principal / Behaviour Culture and Character - Mr Opoku
Faculty Overview/ Arts and Science and Technology
Assistant Principal - Mr Buss
Director of English / Responsible for AA - Ms Dhondy
Pastoral Manager - MS McGowan Reid
Assistant Principal and Faculty Director - Ms Owusu
Director of Humanities / Responsible for CK - Ms Edwards-Wright
Associate Assistant Principal and Director of MFL and Social Sciences/ Responsible for CB - Ms Gonzales
Pastoral Manager - Ms Penfold
Science and Technology
Assistant Principal and Faculty Director - Mr Fernando
Director of Art & DT / Responsible for SP - Mrs Sales
Director of Science and Faculty Coordinator/ Responsible for SS - Ms Kellman
Pastoral Manager - MS McGowan Reid
Maths and Commerce
Senior Assistant Principal and Faculty Director - Ms Adewale
Associate Assistant Principal and Director of Commerce Responsible for MB - Ms Adelye
Assistant Principal and Director of Maths/ Responsible for MP- Mr Hui
Pastoral Manager - Ms Penfold
Sixth Form
Assistant Principal and Faculty Director - Ms Lubbock
Head of Year 12 - Dr Chapman
Head of Year 13 - Ms Gatty