Working With Parents
Our Parents' Forum and Parents, Teachers and Friends Association are an important part of school life.
Why not attend one of our social events or meetings? Details can be found in the diary pages of Harris Insight or on the PTFA notice board in the Academy reception, or on our website.
Parents, Teachers and Friends Association
Our children deserve the first rate education that Harris City Academy Crystal Palace provides, yet this high quality education requires the participation of all parties: students, top-class teaching staff and the full involvement of parents.
Secondary school brings with it a whole different set of challenges not present at primary school, not least of which is adolescence. Our students need careful nurturing and this is where the Parents, Teachers and Friends Association needs your help. From a social point of view, parents can exchange ideas and be of support to one another, and the means to do this can be via organised events, which unite us all.
We welcome ideas from all quarters, which will in turn enhance the Academy experience and encourage greater networking opportunities. We are part of a community of fun people after all, and everyone has something to offer, no matter how insignificant you might think your idea is.
Fortunate as we are to have a dedicated team in the form of teaching and support staff, led by our Principal Ms Carrie Senior, that team cannot fully function without the full support and involvement of parents.
Parents' Forum
The Parents' Forum is an opportunity for parents of students from all key stages to meet with staff on a half-termly basis. The agenda usually includes a presentation from a member of staff informing parents of recent or forthcoming areas of interest and activity, but we also host external speakers and visitors. We also provide time for parents to raise questions and to meet with members of staff from the Academy leadership team.
The meetings are on the Academy calendar and usually take place at 6pm on the penultimate Tuesday of each term. If you would like to attend, there is no need to book.